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1. Is service available in my area?

To check your service availability, please enter your address into the form on our Fibre Packages page

2. How long until the construction is complete in my neighbourhood?

We do our best to predict the duration of a fibre-to-the-home project based on estimated timelines across many different teams. Sometimes permits take longer to be approved or schedules are double booked, among other things, which could delay the projected “live” or end date of a project. Once the project is live and installs are deemed safe to begin, our team will contact you about connecting your service.

3. Why hasn't my home been connected yet?

Some homes are connected before others. It's a collaborative effort between different teams to complete this step in the construction process. Don't worry though, you’ll still get connected before the network goes live.

4. How will my property be affected by fibre Internet installation?

We install our main line throughout the neighbourhood typically within the municipal right of way. Services from the main line to homes are completed by using machinery to make a small seam or slit into your lawn and dropping the cable down about 9-12 inches. The seam is so small that it merges back together and grows back normally. The only difference you will see is a small box mounted on the side of your home. We do our best to not disrupt the condition of the lawn with this work, however if there was a recent rainfall and the ground is soft sometimes extra restoration after construction is required. (See #15 about Restoration)

5. Are the fibre cables fragile?

The glass within the fibre cable is fragile, however the cable is designed to protect the fibre. If damaged you may experience service disruption and should contact our support staff at support@nrbn.ca or 1 (877) 331-6726.

6. Does NRBN tap into other Internet service provider lines to provide fibre Internet? 

We wholly own our fibre-optic network. Since 2004 we’ve provided a fibre optic Internet connection to businesses in the Niagara Region and we’re expanding to offer the same great product and service to homes.

7. Who has the easement for NRBN construction work?

Construction completed by the road is in the Municipal right of way for which we receive a Municipal Consent permit to proceed from the Municipality or the Region depending on road ownership. We do not register easements for the work on a homeowner’s property. We request your permission via the Connect Only authorization form. For more information, please contact our residential sales team at fibre@nrbn.ca or 1 (877) 331-6726.

8. Where is the conduit box (NID) going to be installed on my home?

The approx. 9" by 9" box will be installed at the Hydro Meter, attached to the plastic pipe using clamps. It's a gray box that has an orange conduit tube feeding the fibre from our network into the box.

9. Can NRBN use an existing conduit that I have on my property?

No, NRBN will not use any existing conduit on your property. If you have concerns about the construction process, please connect with us to discuss them: fibre@nrbn.ca or
1 (877) 331-6726.

10. Will NRBN run an ethernet cable for me between my home and an exterior building?

NRBN will not run ethernet cables for customers. This applies to throughout the home or between the home and exterior buildings.

11. Can I mow my lawn after the locates have been applied to the grass?

You should be okay to mow your lawn. Please be careful not to cut the grass too low so that the paint can still be somewhat visible. You’ll know when it’s okay to erase the marks once the conduit box has been installed on the side of your home. Rain and weather will wash away any marks left on driveways, sidewalks, and curbs.

12. Why are there flags or paint on my property even though I denied a Connect Only?

PVS, the locating company, requires hook ups at your property to locate utilities along the roadway on public property. They also complete the markings along private property to show the complete path as required by Ontario One Call. This is a safety requirement to avoid damaging your hydro, gas, and water lines. Please understand and we appreciate your patience.

13. I have an invisible dog fence; will this be damaged during service installation?

If possible, mark out on your property the location of your dog fence. Our third-party construction teams cannot locate this as it is outside their scope of work. It will get damaged during installation; it is impossible to avoid this. However, if our teams know the location, they can repair it the same day of the installation.

14. I have a sprinkler system; will this be damaged during service installation?

It’s possible the sprinkler system could be damaged depending how it was installed. However, the fix is simple to find and our construction teams are very good at doing quick repairs. This shouldn’t be an issue.

15. What do you use to restore lawns?

With our larger pits such as installation of vaults or the tie-ins to the main line, we return the same dirt used to dig out the pit then add a layer of topsoil and grass seed mix.

For smaller pits such as Daylight pits, we use clear stone and top it up with 6”-8” of topsoil and grass seed mix.

In scenarios where restoration is required where service lines are brought onto properties from the main line, typically topsoil and grass seed mix are used. 

In all cases, we recommend that homeowners water regularly to avoid the grass seed from dying in the sun.

16. There is an orange tube sticking out of my lawn, is the fibre Internet ready?

Not yet! The orange tube you see sticking out of your lawn is the conduit channel for the fibre optic internet line. As fibre optic Internet lines are very fragile, the last step after your conduit has been installed and your conduit box (NID) has been mounted is to blow in the fibre line with compressed air. Once the line is blown in, it’s spliced to our mainline and tested before NRBN books an installation. If the test comes back faulty, more work will needed to be done to replace the damaged line.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our team at fibre@nrbn.ca or call 1 (833) 633-3638, option 1.